Learn how to run Ordhook to evaluate your "if this, then that" predicates for Ordinals.
In order to build out a more robust and secure web app, you can run Chainhook as a service to stream your events continously to a server you designate.
In this section, you will configure Ordhook to match the network configurations with the bitcoin config file. First, install the latest version of Ordhook.
Next, you will generate a Ordhook.toml file to connect Ordhook with your bitcoind node. Navigate to the directory where you want to generate the Ordhook.toml file and use the following command in your terminal:
Several network parameters in the generated Ordhook.toml configuration file need to match those in the bitcoin.conf file created earlier in the setting up a Bitcoin node section. Please update the following parameters accordingly:
Update bitcoind_rpc_username with the username set for rpcuser in bitcoin.conf.
Update bitcoind_rpc_password with the password set for rpcpassword in bitcoin.conf.
Update bitcoind_rpc_url with the same host and port used for rpcport in bitcoin.conf.
Additionally, if you want to receive events from the configured Bitcoin node, substitute stacks_node_rpc_url with bitcoind_zmq_url, as follows:
# The http API allows you to register / deregister predicates dynamically.
# This is disabled by default.
# [http_api]
# http_port = 20456
# database_uri = "redis://localhost:6379/"
# Bitcoin block events can be received by Chainhook
# either through a Bitcoin node's ZeroMQ interface,
In this section, you'll learn how to run Ordhook as a service using the Ordhook SDK to post events to a server.
Use the following command to start the Ordhook service for streaming and processing new blocks appended to the Bitcoin blockchain:
ordhook service start --post-to=http://localhost:3000/api/events --config-path=./Ordhook.toml
When the Ordhook service starts, it is initiated in the background to augment the blocks from Bitcoin. Bitcoind sends ZeroMQ notifications to Ordhook to retrieve the inscriptions.
To enable dynamically posting endpoints to the server, you can spin up the Redis server by enabling the following lines of code in the Ordhook.toml file:
Based on the Ordhook.toml file configuration, the Ordhook service spins up an HTTP API to manage event destinations. Use the following command to start the Ordhook service:
ordhook service start --config-path=./Ordhook.toml
A comprehensive OpenAPI specification explaining how to interact with this HTTP REST API can be found here.